Bridget McWilliams Appraisals

Bridget McWilliams regularly prepares appraisal reports for which she receives a fee. She has been active in the research, valuation and appraisal of fine and decorative art for over thirty years as a full-time career, with years of museum and fine art auction house experience.
Accredited Member of the Appraiser’s Association of America, New York, NY, since 2014. AAA is the most respected national association of personal property appraisers in the U.S.
M.A. Art History, Case Western Reserve University
B.A. English/Art History, Hillsdale College
Laurel School
Bridget has worked on, and is qualified to appraise a broad range of art and objects from the 17th century to the contemporary, including paintings, sculpture, prints and drawings, decorative arts and general personal property.
Regular clients include private individuals, attorneys, banking institutions, probate court, and insurance professionals. Appraisals for every purpose including:
Fair Market Valuation
Museum Donation
IRS Non-Cash Charitable Donation
Family Division
Estate Planning
Bridget McWilliams possesses the background, experience and education to deliver independent, ethical and objective valuations applying unparalleled standards of ethics, conduct and professionalism as required by the Appraisers Association of America.